Dear BEF Supporter,
In an abundance of caution and following the recommendation of the MA Dept. of Public Health to limit large gatherings, the Bourne Education Foundation has made the difficult decision to postpone our Annual Gala scheduled for Saturday, March 28. This was a hard decision for us to make as the Gala is our one and only major fundraising event of the year and was to be the primary source of funds for the planned 2020/2021 school year grants to the Bourne Public Schools.
Please be patient while we reimagine our gala and fundraising effort for the coming year. Ticket holders who would like a refund can contact us at bourneeducationfoundation@gmail.com.
In the meantime, you can still support the BEF! Tax-deductible donations to the BEF are accepted at any time at bourneeducationfoundation.org/donate. Any donations would be greatly appreciated as we work to ensure we have the funds available next year to meet or exceed the over $15,000 in grants given to the Bourne Public Schools in 2019/2020.
Be well, and thank you for your continuing support of the Bourne Education Foundation.